
 > home > advantage
  • first-class battery, bms,and system technical team;
  • ruipu has years of experience in research and development of high specific energy core technologies such as solid-state battery technology and high nickel ncm material,it has a lasting core competitiveness;
  • large-scale industrial manufacturing concept and production layout, automatic intelligent manufacturing production line investment;
  • the whole process is controlled by cpk≥1.67 which achieving high consistency and obvious cost advantage
  • strong industrial chain integration ability , ruipu has variety of resources, which can cooperate with the end customer to deal the long-term agreement price;
  • we have global power battery, ni-co industry experts
  • customers, suppliers and partners are all over the world
  • rich global enterprise operation practice
ruipu is based on large-scale industrialized inteligent manufacturing process,has the core tech of high-performance and high-consistency battery design,then finally create the most cost-effective power battery manufacturing enterprise and promote the development of global new energy industry